Genius 300, UHF-Magazine / Canada
"These handsome speakers have plenty of talent. Given the right positioning in the right room, they will seem like a bargain, and they may be just what you have been searching for"
Testreport Genius 100 Stereophile / USA
I was very pleased with all of the listening time I spent with the ASW Genius 100. When not pushed too hard, this loudspeaker was a detailed, neutral,dynamic-sounding performer that breathed like live music over a wide range of program material. Moreover, it’s attractive and a good value.
Genius 400, Audiophilia / Canada
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Genius 400 Testreport in Canada
Excellent testresult for the topspeaker of our Genius-Line. The people of the canadian high-end magazine " UHF Magazine " were impressed of the good quality of the ASW Genius 400 !